Tinnitus E-Programme

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Kirk, USA
Review written at Stage 6 (10 weeks after enrolment)
  • Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) 52.8% > 16.0% (category 3: 32-53% moderate problem > category 1: 0-17% not a problem)
  • Stress (PSS) 17 > 6 (14-26 moderate stress > 0-13 low stress)
  • Anxiety (ASQ) 35.3% > 4.7% (31-60% moderate > under 10% negligible)

Q: Do you recommend others to use the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme?
A: "Yes! Knowing that others have gone before me, and that still others are currently in the course has helped me feel like I’m not alone. I’ve learned a lot and look forward to progressing through the remaining lessons."

Q: What benefit have you experienced using the relaxation element of the course so far?
A: "Having never used breathing or guided relaxation before, I was skeptical. I can now say that these two techniques have been incredibly helpful for me. Using them consistently is the key."

Q: How has the neuroscience-based learning about the amygdala, autonomic ladder and brain plasticity helped you to relate to your experience of tinnitus, anxiety and stress?
A: "Very much so. I never realized there was a relationship between my tinnitus and what was going on in my life regarding stress and anxiety. I always thought my tinnitus was more of a structural condition. Learning the top down vs bottom up way the amygdala works with the upper brain has been fascinating."

Q: What have you learned from the costs & benefits transaction work (used from stage 3)? Estimate how much you have already adjusted from having a problem-oriented perspective towards a recovery-oriented perspective (e.g. 2/10 > 7/10 indicates an improvement of 5 so far)
A: "Reframing my perspective from problem to recovery has been important. I’m a “fixer” by nature so I’m usually recovery oriented in general. But with tinnitus, I was stuck being problem oriented."

Q: You are likely to have had your first 1-1 by now. Did you benefit from your 1-1 and if so, how?
A: "My first 1-1 was great. Debbie helped me understand that the program cannot be rushed, everyone will progress at their own pace. Staying in the program consistently and patiently is the key."

Q: What is your own impression of your progress to date?
A: "Overall I’m feeling less stress and anxiety. My tinnitus still blares most mornings when I wake, but I notice it less during the day. Most days I now wake feeling like I’ve slept better, and I seldom wake up feeling anxious anymore."
CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme © 2009-2024

CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme Ltd
Company Number: 15206830
Company Director: Debbie Featherstone

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