
Tinnitus E-Programme

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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for TinnitusIncludes 1-1 supportUK based - available in the UK and internationallyExperience improvements in weeksA comprehensive clinical interventionNo 'Tips & Tricks' that don't work long termFor moderate, severe & very severe tinnitus distressResults maintained long term

CBT4T uses a neuroscience-informed CBT Protocol developed for Severe & Very Severe Tinnitus, Stress and Anxiety

Feedback from Users of CBT4T - CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme

Gary's Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) had reduced from 82.8% > 19.2% (category 5: very big problem > category 2: small problem) when he completed his repeat measures at the end of the course - 17 weeks from start to finish!

In his review, Gary says:

"I would recommend this course 100% to anyone who is finding it difficult to cope with tinnitus... Debbie really knows her stuff, and she keeps in regular contact with you. Her feedback is always really helpful, whether its by email or by the face to face appointments. I have now completed the course and it was the best decision I could have made. If you're reading this and sceptical about CBT like I was, then don't be. My life went from being controlled by tinnitus, to tinnitus no longer having control over me, or my life."

Great work Gary! Go to Gary's full review
View and Enrol
The programme with TWO 1-1 appointments is by far the most popular, and the most commonly recommended option. However, other options include enrolment on CBT4T with ONE 1-1 appointment, and opt to add either ONE or a maximum of TWO more 1-1 appointments later:   
  • Enrolment includes ONE 1-1 appointment
  • Add up to two appointments on enrolment
  • Weekly SITREP
  • Email support
  • Logs
  • Interactive tools
  • The average user starts out stating they are consciously aware of tinnitus 80% or more of their time awake
  • The average user finishes the course stating they are consciously aware of tinnitus 10% or less of their time awake
  • When tinnitus bothers you for 15 minutes every day, spend 15 minutes every day DOING something about it two and a half minutes at a time

The CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme provides guidance and support for those experiencing severe and very severe tinnitus, stress and anxiety. We are UK based, available in the UK and internationally.

CBT4T is the new name for the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme from October 2023. It is a 7 stage, 12 part comprehensive clinical intervention combining individual 1-1 support and Internet-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (iCBT) as recommended in the UK NICE Guidelines, 2020

The Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) is a self-report questionnaire measuring severity and impact of tinnitus. Developed by Meikle et al (2012), it is the measure recommended in the UK NICE Guidelines, 2020

The TFI is used when starting CBT4T, repeated at Stage 6 and again at the end of the process

Tinnitus UK "Tinnitus Week" 5-11th February 2024
Summary of a survey carried out by Tinnitus UK in December 2023
Click the image to read on tinnitus UK's website
  • A uniquely neuroscience-informed CBT process for severe and very severe tinnitus distress
  • Employing the Neuroscience & CBT Protocol enables the user to separate having tinnitus from being distressed by tinnitus
  • The protocol combines polyvagal informed neuro-psychotherapy and associated neuroscience, behavioural and cognitive therapy with a focus on 3rd wave CBT
  • The cognitive therapy used enables psychological flexibility, developing and deepening a recovery-oriented perspective. This is wholly different to 2nd wave CBT that is problem-oriented and thought-focused
  • Includes a 6 week course of Autogenic Relaxation Training - a powerful relaxation method
  • Enrolment includes one 1-1 appointment: cost £250 | View course


Neuroscience-informed CBT Protocol
The protocol used in this course has been developed and implemented over time by Debbie Featherstone. The process in CBT4T is UNIQUE. It is designed for those distressed by tinnitus, simultaneously providing a cognitive, behavioural framework that enables users to reduce co-existing symptoms such as: anxiety (general anxiety, social anxiety, health anxiety, panic, trauma), low mood/depressed,  sleep problems, whether these are pre-existing to, or since tinnitus onset. With some 30 years clinical, hands-on experience, a Hearing Therapist and qualified Psychotherapist, Debbie draws on her experience to bring a process - tried and tested in an online format since 2009 - as a comprehensive course of neuroscience-informed Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Tinnitus in to mainstream healthcare  

The course has a strong historical evidence base of effectiveness over 14 years of being used online, including independent evaluation of the original online Tinnitus E-Programme conducted by NIHR NHBRC completed in 2017

Easy to use
Reference to ease of use can be found in the reviews by users of the programme - see Reviews in the menu

Great interaction
Everything from weekly SITREPs, Progress Checks at the start of each new Stage, to the incorporated 1-1 appointments with Debbie, to the logs, interactive bespoke CBT tools and email support

Low Cost - High Value
For £250, you have access to a structured, comprehensive programme of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy tailored specifically to mitigate the experience of tinnitus distress, provided by a fully qualified and highly experienced Hearing Therapy clinician dual qualified in Psychotherapy.

Those using CBT4T (historically known as the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme) feel genuinely supported throughout the course - see Reviews. You always have email contact, so anything you find concerning, all you need do is send an email and you will ALWAYS receive a reply
Past Users of CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme - A Year On

Long after completing the course, outcomes are maintained and even improved upon. For many years, users were followed up a year and at two years after they complete, as I had done with NHS patients while I was based in Birmingham and in East Lancashire; results were so consistent over such a long period of time, I no longer make those requests. It does happen that some still like to let me know how they are a year on, and even two years on, so when they do, their feedback goes in to the main reviews page

Dean, UK: Initial THI score 98% - final review 22%
A year after Dean completed the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme, his progress is stable, THI score is 20% and here’s his One Year On review:

“I still carry out daily breathing exercises as my anxiety and stress are triggers. Debbie's counselling always reminds me of the true meaning of tinnitus which helps me on difficult days. My life thanks to Debbie is now much more enjoyable and I cope better with the bad days . I now achieve periods of calm which has benefited me from almost silence at times. Debbie has helped my healing process and I revisit my notes to help me in stressful and anxious periods.” (2020)

Kathy, USA: Initial THI score 68% - final review 20%
A year after Kathy completed the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme, her progress is stable, THI score is 18% and here's her One Year On review:

"One thing that I have gotten a lot better at is reminding myself that this is not dangerous, there is nothing to fight, that it can't hurt me and that it can just be there in the background without making me upset or afraid. I hardly ever talk about it at all which I think is good. And I am happy to be not dependent on the sound generators any more. I do at times still get frustrated that it isn't completely gone or that it makes it hard at times to relax or makes it hard to hear someone but it is waaaaay less than before. I know that the more I believe it's "no big deal" the better. I do everything I want now and I have benefited from my mantras that all sounds are ok/safe and sounds can't hurt me. I do my breathing daily and am getting regular exercise which I think also helps with sleep and stress. You have helped me SO much." (2019)
CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme © 2009-2024

CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme Ltd
Company Number: 15206830
Company Director: Debbie Featherstone

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