
Tinnitus E-Programme

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for tinnitus is used when tinnitus intrudes in daily life causing "tinnitus distress"
The CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme:
  • Enables you to change having "tinnitus distress" in to noticing it less and less, and even when you do notice it, it doesn't bother you
  • Is a defined process, worked through at your own pace and used in the order it is set out
  • There is a reason for everything used in the course being not only what it is, but where it is in the process
  • Neuro-psychotherapy and associated neuroscience, with cognitive (and behavioural) therapy woven in to the process, stage by stage
  • Everyone who completes this process as it is set out reaches at least TFI category 2 (tinnitus is a small problem), even those starting with a category 5 (tinnitus is a very big problem)
No two people are the same
Tinnitus distress includes a combination of any or all of the following:
  • Stress, anxiety, frustration, anger, low mood
  • Fear of coping with life in the future
  • Unable to imagine ever being happy again because of tinnitus
  • Ruminating (thinking over and over) about tinntus
  • Poor sleep onset and/or waking in the night unable to return to sleep
  • Difficulty relaxing and partaking in activities previously enjoyed
  • Worry about those close to you because of how you feel and behave
  • The belief that no one with tinnitus like yours can be helped
Snapshot of how the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme brings about the necessary changes
Read more in the CBT4T Bulletin
Behavioural or cognitive
Outcomes Audit

The table below shows the changes in Tinnitus Functional Index  (TFI) categories achieved by Users of the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme - audit completed and published 10th September 2022

Tinnitus Functional Index Categories are as follows:
  • Category 5: 73-100% (tinnitus is a very big problem)
  • Category 4: 54-72% (tinnitus is a big problem)
  • Category 3: 32-53% (tinnitus is a moderate problem)
  • Category 2: 18-31% (tinnitus is a small problem)
  • Category 1: 0 - 17% (tinnitus is not a problem)

Benefit is not limited to tinnitus. Here is a message I received in May 2022 from Paul who completed the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme in 2021, where like others, he reports another benefit is his learning from the course is transferable....

CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme © 2009-2025

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